How to Train An Australian Shepherd | 8 Tips

how to train an Australian shepherd

Welcome to our complete guide on how to train an Australian Shepherd, one of the most popular and intelligent dog breeds around. If you’re a proud owner of this energetic and loyal canine or considering bringing one into your family, it’s essential to understand their unique characteristics and needs. With proper training, your Australian Shepherd can become a well-behaved, obedient companion who will bring joy to your life for years to come.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with the top 8 tips for successful obedience training that will help you foster a strong bond and mutual respect with your Aussie. So, let’s dive in and discover how to train an Australian Shepherd like a pro!

Top 8 Tips on How to Train an Australian Shepherd

  1. Early Socialization: Australian Shepherds are known for their strong herding instinct, and it’s crucial to start socializing them from a young age. You can help your Aussie become more well-rounded and adaptable by exposing them to a variety of people, animals, and environments.
  2. Frequent Exercise: These energetic dogs require plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Make sure to provide daily opportunities for exercise, playtime, and training to burn off excess energy and prevent boredom. A tired Aussie is a well-behaved one!
  3. Consistent Commands: Use short, consistent commands during training sessions, and make sure all family members use the same ones to avoid confusion. Aussies are quick learners but can be stubborn at times, so consistency is key.
  4. Positive Reinforcement: Treats, praise, and playtime are effective methods of positive reinforcement for Australian Shepherds. Be sure to reward desirable behavior and avoid negative reinforcement or punishment, which can lead to resentment and disobedience.
  5. Crate Training: Crate training not only aids in housebreaking but also provides your Aussie with a safe and cozy space they can call their own. Make sure to introduce the crate as a positive experience, such as using it for mealtimes or providing comfortable bedding.
  6. Leash Training: Start leash training early to prevent pulling and ensure that walks are enjoyable for both you and your dog. It’s also essential for their safety, especially in urban environments.
  7. Obedience Classes: Dogs can benefit greatly from obedience classes, which allow them to socialize with other dogs and improve their overall obedience. It’s also a great opportunity for you to bond with your Aussie while learning new training techniques.
  8. Bonding Through Training: Use training sessions as an opportunity to bond with your Australian Shepherd. The time you spend together strengthens your relationship and increases their willingness to learn and please you.

Recognize the Behavior

As an owner, it’s essential to recognize and address any undesirable behaviors before they become a habit:

  • Redirect your dog’s attention to appropriate activities when they exhibit herding behavior.
  • If your Aussie nips or barks excessively, use a firm “no” and then ignore them to show that this behavior won’t garner attention.
  • Consistency is key in teaching your dog which behaviors are unacceptable.

By addressing these behaviors promptly and consistently, you can prevent your Australian Shepherd from ingraining them as habits.

Stop the Behavior

While it’s important to redirect and discourage undesirable behaviors, it’s equally essential to teach your Aussie alternative acceptable behaviors. For example:

  • If your Australian Shepherd is displaying herding behavior, redirect their attention to a toy or game that satisfies their natural instincts.
  • If they are excessively barking, teach them a “quiet” command and reward them for complying.

By providing alternatives and reinforcing acceptable behaviors, you can stop undesirable behaviors in their tracks and foster a well-trained and well-behaved Aussie.


Training your Australian Shepherd requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. With early socialization, plenty of exercise, and consistent commands, you can train your Aussie to be a loyal and well-behaved companion.

Remember to bond with your dog through training sessions and address any undesirable behaviors promptly. With these top 8 tips in mind, you’re well on your way to successfully training your Australian Shepherd! Share your experiences and tips below on how you’ve trained your Aussie, and let’s help each other create happy and well-behaved furry friends.  Happy Training!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it easy to train an Australian Shepherd?

In comparison to other breeds, Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent and eager to please. However, they can also be stubborn, so consistency and positive reinforcement are necessary for successful training.

What are the commands of an Australian Shepherd?

The most common commands used in Australian Shepherd training include “sit,” “stay,” “come,” “down,” and “leave it.” It’s essential to use consistent commands during training and avoid confusing or contradicting them.

How do I get my Aussie to stop biting?

As with all breeds, it’s important to redirect your Australian Shepherd’s biting behavior by providing appropriate toys or games. Also, teach the command “no bite” and reward them for complying.

How do I stop my Aussie from jumping?

To discourage jumping, teach your Aussie the “off” command and provide alternative behaviors such as sitting or staying. Consistency is key in reinforcing desirable behaviors and discouraging undesirable ones.  By providing alternative acceptable behaviors, you can effectively stop your Aussie from jumping.

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